Dr. Hutchinson provides private consultations for patients from 7 to 90. Consultations address a variety of concerns, be they neurodevelopmental (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorders, learning disorders, etc.), neurodegenerative (Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc.), traumatic (traumatic brain injury), emotional (anxiety, depression, trauma, etc.), and/or longstanding maladaptive patterns of thinking and behavior (personality disorders). Consultations typically include some combination of clinical/diagnostic interview, collateral interview, consultation with other professionals, behavioral observations, psychological and/or neuropsychological testing, record review, report writing, opinion preparation, and/or feedback session(s).
Dr. Hutchinson provides psychotherapy to patients that have received his consultation. Psychotherapy tends to be short term but there are exceptions. Dr. Hutchinson provides follow-up evaluations after treatment ends, should the patient agree it is in their best interest. Dr. Hutchinson’s assistant, Mr. Xiong, can provide a bill for patients seeking reimbursement from their insurance providers. Dr. Hutchinson does not provide psychotherapy for patients in the midst of litigation and does not agree to play a role in litigation proceedings.
Dr. Hutchinson provides consultations for a variety of other matters, not only psychological clearance evaluations for patients seeking certain medical procedures (bariatric surgery, surgeries for pain relief, etc.). He also provides fitness for duty, retirement disability, and subsequent injury fund assessments. Parties should contact his office directly but parties requesting a medical-legal evaluation should contact MEDLink directly at 415-399-9769.